Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Bag-carrier news...

Forget terror threats or Fathers4Justice campaigners spreading purple powder, the way to bring Parliament to a stand-still is to ensure the division bell keeps ringing all-the-bloody-feckin'-time...

The division bell started going at 10.30am and is still on...this is like some sort of torture technique. In our humble office in Norman Shaw South we are starting to see stars and uttering all kind of idle threats to the Serjeants staff who are probably responsible for this farrago.


At 28 November, 2006 10:56, Blogger Kerron said...

I think he must be a Watford fan. ;-)


At 28 November, 2006 11:05, Blogger The Thimble said...

Possibly. I can just see the Watford hard-core support dressing up in tights and being mean to the general public...

I fear Watford may need more than a wall-of-sound to stay up this season...still, as a fan, its your job to be optimistic!


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