Hearing John Reid's words on the Today programme this morning gave a wee tug on my ole heart strings. He was talking about Iraq and, when questioned about the security situation there, Dr Reid spoke of a "pessimism of the intellect and an optimism of the will"...echoing Gramsci's phrase. I know he's an old Communist but Dr Reid's turn-of-phrase raised a smile in the Thimble house. Well, it did raised a smile on my face anyway. The Princess couldn't actually hear Dr Reid cos she was in the kitchen making the sandwiches...
A demonstration of division of labour in practice ladies and gentlemen.
Despite occasionally shopping at Waitrose and actually enjoying the odd edition of 'Grand Designs' ..the Thimble is delighted to tell the world he is still a socialist. Of course the fact that I get misty-eyed at the mention of an Italian Marxist should be some indication but the Politics Test declares me to be a Socliast too. I was referred to it by the Bloggers4Labour site and here's the results.
You are a Social Liberal (70% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (18% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
Of course, if I could spell Socialist it would be start.
Problems with blogger mean I can't even go in to correct my typos. I have sacked the proof-reader.
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