Friday, March 23, 2007

What is the French for "leaves on the line"?

"Madames et monsieurs, la prochaine gare est London Victoria..."

Nigel Farage (that's the only time I'll be linking to the UKIP site) would be disgusted, no doubt, but on the Southern train service this morning commuters heard their public announcements in French as well as in English. This was a novelty so I thought I should bring this news to you...

These Franco-utterings caused something of a stir in my carriage. Well, as much of a 'stir' as you are going to get on a train of commuters that is. "This isn't Eurostar" responded one switched-on commuter. Others harrumphed, one tutted and another looked confused. For my part I offered the wry smile of a knowing, cultured European-type. It might have looked like the grimace of a constipation sufferer but I tried my best.

The Gallic announcement was a little out-of-the-ordinary but the clear annunication of the announcer was possibly even more suprising. The guy spoke in such clear tones that I thought I'd woken up in a private school foreign language class rather than the train service to London Victoria. The contrast between this and the usual inaudible mumbling was stark.

Maybe this development is part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the European Union? In which case I looked forward to getting in a black cab sometime soon and being greeted with the words "J'ai eu ce Nadine Dorries dans le dos de mon taxi l'autre jour. Son blog n'est-il pas grand?"*

*"I had that Nadine Dorries in the back of my cab the other day. Isn't her blog great?"


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